Disclaimer Statement
Odyssey Assessment, Education & Training aims to offer the highest standard of service at all times.
Assessors are continually updating their skills and knowledge in relation to the latest developments concerning dyslexia and other specific learning difficulties through Continuous Professional Development (CPD). This is logged every year as part of our professional memberships.
All information, advice and support is offered to the best of our knowledge and ability.
However, it is important to note that Odyssey Assessment, Education & Training cannot be held responsible for any actions you take or decisions you make following consultations. We can only advise you on possible future paths to take. The final decision, and responsibility, must always be yours.
We are committed to supporting mental health and well-being. However, we are not qualified to diagnose a mental health condition, give advice on medication, or provide legal advice on medical conditions. Signposting to a GP, CAMHS or a clinical psychiatrist would be needed in these cases.